Sunday, June 21, 2009

One Thing I have Learned Over The Weekend . . .

Iran has a lot of hot women. Like tons of them. Persian chicks. Who knew?

I have been glued to CNN the last few days, fascinated by the uprising in Tehran. I'm fascinated by the events leading up to it, by the irresistible nature of freedom and democracy and by the courage of people who risk their lives to defy tyranny. I'm fascinated by the reactions of different nations to that defiance and by the changing political climate that will result from it. And I'm fascinated by the fact that there seems to be a large percentage of sultry, exotic looking vixens rocking the "Princess Jasmine" look living in Iran of all places. Speaking as a proudly ignorant, ethnocentric American pig, who the hell would have guessed that?


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are a bastard, and if there's any justice, one day you might live in a country where basic freedoms are denied to you. Fuck you. You wouldn't know what to do with a beautiful women if one was handed to you on a silver platter.

Ramsey said...

hey relax lady. This is a family friendly blog for the most part. Save the F bombs for the leaders of whatever country you're from. I guess that people like undergrndwmn come with the whole "random and UNREQUESTED, self exposure" thing.

BusterBluth52 said...
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BusterBluth52 said...

undrgrndwmn, thanks for not overeating. I wouldn't want you to come off looking irrational for blowing up over a pretty harmless and ultimately stupid post.

Ram, thanks for having my back but an f word or two never really hurt anyone.

BusterBluth52 said...

I really meant to say overreacting, not over eating. Feel free to over eat all you want.

Ramsey said...

I'm guessing she's Canadian, or once was.

Gregg said...

Undrgrndwmn, you need to get a sense of humor . Brian, you can't let her talk to you like that on your blog, if a woman talked to me like that, I'd be like, ' AY! Why don't you stop dressing me up like a mailman, and making me dance for you, while you go and smoke crack in your bedroom and have sex with some guy I don't even know, on my dad's bed!

scottnied said...

HAHA, you still got it Brian.It's good to see the ladies still love you.

Spencer said...

Brian... What would you do if a women was handed to you on a silver platter? And where can I meet this mystery person handing out women on silver platters?

H said...

So, in response to what undrgrndwmn clearly perceives as degradation, she come back with, well, degradation.


Here’s a word of advice undrgrndwmn… If you want people to take you seriously, hypocrisy is not the way to achieve it.